Morgan Hill Parks & Recreation


Upcoming Spring Programs:

  • Star Wars STEM with LEGO® | 9:00am-12:00pm | ages: 5-12 | 9 sessions, omit: Apr. 16 | $505

    Are you a Star Wars® fan, do you like LEGO®? Then this is the class for you! Come join us for an adventure as we build all your favorite Star Wars® projects. From speeder bikes to x-wings, your child will learn STEM concepts while exploring a galaxy far, far away…


  • Minecraft with LEGO® STEM Basics Camp | 9:00am-12:00pm | ages: 5-12 | Mon-Fri | $285

    Come explore your favorite Minecraft biomes and structures with LEGO®. Build houses and traps to defend against mobs. Build tools to mine and help Steve defeat the Ender dragon! Please note, there will be no video games played in this camp.



 All registration is conducted through Morgan Hill Parks and Recreation Department. Classes will be held at Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center, 17000 Monterey Rd.

To limit exposure, parents will not be admitted into the room, however photos of the LEGO® fun will be shared at the end of all programs. Although our staff will try to capture all of the excitement, we welcome our participants to bring photo taking devices (such as iPad, phone, camera) to share memories with families. Please note, devices will only be used for photos and will not be used for other purposes. Each session will have a brief outdoor snack break and parents are welcome to provide a snack for their child.

At Brick Tech, we strive to make our camps as safe and fun as possible for our participants. To prevent the spread of COVID, we have implemented safety precautions to reduce exposure to participants in our camps. All participants will be required to wear a mask, LEGO® materials will be distributed individually, and frequent disinfecting and sanitizing will occur throughout the camp. For full details, check out our COVID Guidelines.


Looking for more?

Check out our upcoming Summer Camp programs with Morgan Hill Recreation!